262 Winslow Way Bainbridge Island, WA 206-484-3863
The physical body and the activities of the mind are restored to one another through the interface of touch, and each finds in the other the very element without which it languishes and suffers in isolation.” Deane Juhan “Job’s Body
Advaya Wellness is founded on the following principals and goals:
The mind and body function more as a single unit than two separate processes. This is the source of the name Advaya. The underlying goal of Advaya is to facilitate the kinds of thoughts and feelings that lead to your optimal health. Body work is a powerful tool to not only decrease pain and stiffness, but ultimately can be used to achieve a sense of centeredness or grounding.
Health and wellness is most easily achieved when addressing the principle sources of ill health in concert. There is a synergistic effect whereby health supports more health. One can think of this as a snowball effect, which gains momentum as it continues to roll. The opposite momentum toward ill health can also occur. Advaya seeks to take advantage of the spiral process by supporting and referring to a full range of health practitioners for an orchestrated treatment.
While learning to let go of things we can not control is fundamental to health, this must be balanced by becoming aware of and addressing issues that can lead to ill health. This is why educating clients about their individual needs and issues is integral to the work at Advaya.